A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Oh man...something REALLY IS FISHY


The game has simple controls. Hold "E" and "Q" to build up jump power, then, simply release Either "E" or "Q" to launch yourself in a direction.


Somethings Fishy is a platforming rage like game. The objective is simply to go up as high as you can, dealing with cringe worthy obstacles that look like they were made by the same fish your playing as. This game also includes an AMAZING save system, being that it saves your position CONSTANTLY. If you mess up, well, there's no going back.

[Important Info]

This game, along with being bad, is just a fun side project. It is FILLED with bugs and things that would make any competent designer cry.

[Ending Statement]

This game is bad, needlessly difficult in some cases, and about as visually appealing as a Donkey that HASN'T QUITE hit rock bottom. Regardless of all of that, I love this stupid little game. To any of the 5 people who will ever read this, thank you for even being here <3.

*Inspired by rage games such as Getting Over It, and a fish game that I saw during a game jam.


If this game actually gains traction, I guess I will add....

- More Levels

-Cheat Codes


-Cringe Worthy Sound Effects



Alpha 5 Saviour Edit.zip 15 MB
Somethings Fishy on Fish Mountain MAC.app.zip 18 MB


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